- 2020-10-28, Swiss Risk Association, Switzerland: TOP 5 – SWISS RISK AWARD 2020 – Wikirating is within the top 5 nominated individuals/teams for the Swiss Risk Award 2020
- 2020-07-21, MENAFN.com, Jordan: St Lucia faces economic collapse amid extensive borrowing
- 2014-04-08, swissinfo SRG SSR, Switzerland: Swiss start-ups get help with US market breakthrough
- 2014-03-19, Moneta – by ABS Bank, Switzerland (in German): Die Durcheinanderbringer
- 2014-02-16, t3n digital pioneers, Germany (in German): Wikirating: Warum die Alternative zu etablierten Rating-Agenturen auf Schwarmintelligenz setzt [Interview]
- 2014-02-06, The Forex Championship, USA: Competition for Moody’s & Co. – on Wikirating Internet Users become a Rating Agency
- 2014-01-24, Coindesk, USA: Wikirating supports the first Bitcoin ATM in Switzerland. Europe’s first bitcoin ATM made a guest appearance in the city
- 2013-10-07, L’AGEFI, Switzerland (in French): Option de rating très convaincante
- 2013-03-22, Consejos Financieros, Spain (in Spanish): ¿Es Wikirating democracia financiera?
- 2013-02-05, FM4 ORF, Austria: US sues Standard and Poors [Interview]
- 2012-11-29, The Epoch Times, USA: Wiki-Style Credit Rating to Challenge Major Agencies
- 2012-11-27, Yahoo News, USA: Crowdsourced Credit Rating Providers Join Forces
- 2012-11-26, MNI MarketNews, USA: Crowdsourced Credit Rating Providers Join Forces
- 2012-11-04, DerStandard, Austria (in German): Wikirating: Mit der Crowd gegen die Krise
- 2012-11-03, TEDx Talks, Austria: TEDx Talk “Are we smarter than credit rating agencies?”
- 2012-05-21, Fair Observer, USA: Credit Rating Agencies
- 2012-05-01, Contrepoints, France (in French): La fabrique de bonnes notes
- 2012-04-17, Die Presse, Austria (in German): Vom Banken- bis zum Wikirating
- 2012-04-03, VIS-à-VIS Journal, Spain (in Spanish): Wikirating
- 2012-04-02, Risk Professional (GARP), USA: Unflinching on MF Global, Ratings Upstart Gains Following
- 2012-04-01, changeX – In die Zukunft denken, Germany (in German): Soziale Impulse
- 2012-03-15, GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute, Switzerland (in German): GDI Impuls, 1.2012: The Mensch is the Message
- 2012-03-15, Handelszeitung, Switzerland (in German): Gefahren der Demokratie

- 2012-02-29, Bretagne Durable, France (in French): Wikirating, l’agence de notations 100 % participative
- 2012-02-27, Bloc de la Biblioteca d’Economia i Empresa, Spain (in Spanish): Wikirating, l’agència de qualificació de codi obert
- 2012-02-24, Le Monde Informatique, France (in French): Wikirating, une agence de notation financière participative
- 2012-02-24, El Pais, Uruguay (in Spanish): Una calificadora de riesgo con el formato Wikipedia
- 2012-02-23, ICT Journal, Switzerland (in French): Wikirating, le futur des agences de notation?
- 2012-02-21, Agitano Wirtschaftsforum Mittelstand, Germany (in German): Wikirating macht Moody’s, Standard & Poors und Fitch Konkurrenz
- 2012-02-21, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Switzerland (in German): Gemeinsam die Welt bewerten
- 2012-02-20, Austria Innovativ, Austria (in German): Zeiten des Umbruchs, Zeiten für das Neue
- 2012-02-20, DerStandard, Austria (in German): Eine Alternative zu Moody’s, Fitch und Co
- 2012-02-20, El Mundo, Spain (in Spanish): Califique a una agencia de calificación
- 2012-02-13, Radio France International, France (in French): Wikirating
- 2012-02-10, Bloqueros Hispanos, Spain (in Spanish): Wikirating: una plataforma de código abierto en la que cualquier usuario puede evaluar a un país o una empresa

- 2012-02-07, Finanzen 100, Germany (in German): Wikirating – Die Ratingagentur zum Mitmachen
- 2012-02-05, PeaceLink, Italy (in Italian): MOODY’S trema, arriva Wikirating
- 2012-02-04, Jornal de Angola, Angola (in Portugese): Wikirating às agências
- 2012-01-31, exame.com, Brazil (in Portugese): ‘Wikirating’, a nova concorrente das agências de classificação de risco
- 2012-01-31, UOL, Brazil (in Portugese): ‘Wikirating’, a nova concorrente das agências de classificação de risco
- 2012-01-31, Veja, Brazil (in Portugese): ‘Wikirating’, a nova concorrente das agências de classificação de risco
- 2012-01-31, Yahoo Noticias Brasil, Brazil (in Portugese): ‘Wikirating’, a nova concorrente das agências de classificação de risco
- 2012-01-31, Courrier International, France (in French): Finance. Une agence de notation participative
- 2012-01-31, Siente Panama, Panama (in Spanish): Wikirating: Una alternativa innovadora a las agencias de calificación
- 2012-01-30, myEurop, France (in French): Wikirating, première agence de notation participative
- 2012-01-30, VPRO – Tegenlicht, Netherlands (in Dutch): De wereld van de kredietbeoordelaars
- 2012-01-30, ABC.es, Spain (in Spanish): Tiembla Moody’s, llega Wikirating

- 2012-01-29, RT Español, Russia (in Spanish): Wikirating: una alternativa innovadora a las agencias de calificación
- 2012-01-28, Taringa!, Argentina (in Spanish): Tiembla Moody’s, llega Wikirating
- 2012-01-28, Bitcoin.hu – Magyar Bitcoin Portal, Hungary (in Hungarian): Wikisítik a hitelminősítést is
- 2012-01-28, 20 Minutos, Spain (in Spanish): Llega Wikirating, la agencia de calificación de código abierto
- 2012-01-28, DesdeLinux, Spain (in Spanish): Wikirating, la agencia de calificación de código abierto
- 2012-01-28, DoLinux, Spain (in Portugese): Wikirating, a agência de classificação de código aberto
- 2012-01-28, El Espectador, Spain (in Spanish): Tiembla calificadora Moody’s, llega Wikirating
- 2012-01-28, elEconomista.es, Spain (in Spanish): Tiembla Moody’s, llega la Wikipedia de los ‘rating’
- 2012-01-28, La razón, Spain (in Spanish): Tiembla Moodys llega Wikirating
- 2012-01-28, Crowdsourcing.org, USA: Wiki joins rating game
- 2012-01-27, Wall Street Italia, Italy (in Italian): Wikirating: l’agenzia indipendente
- 2012-01-26, Financial Post, Canada: Move over S&P, Moody’s — make way for Wikirating

- 2012-01-26, Romania Libera, Romania (in Romanian): O agenţie de rating independentă acordă României acelaşi calificativ ca şi Germaniei
- 2012-01-26, ZeroHedge, USA: AAA Rating or Not – Crowd Sourced Wikirating Values Your Input
- 2012-01-25, Kurier, Austria (in German): Ratings: Europäer fordern USA heraus
- 2012-01-25, Berliner Zeitung, Germany (in German): Wikirating: Standard & Poor’s bekommt Konkurrenz von unten
- 2012-01-25, Frankfurter Rundschau, Germany (in German): Standard & Poor’s bekommt Konkurrenz von unten
- 2012-01-23, Spiegel, Germany (in German): Mit der Macht der Masse
- 2012-01-17, Salzburger Nachrichten, Austria (in German): Die Rating-Herausforderer
- 2012-01-16, Heise Online, Germany (in German): Gründerzeit für Ratingagenturen
- 2012-01-13, Borsaplus.com, Italy (in Italian): ‘Tripla A’ di Francia e Germania poco credibile
- 2012-01-10, ETH Alumni Math & Phys, Switzerland (in German): Rating Agency S&P&M&M&….
- 2012-01-09, World Radio Switzerland, Switzerland: Wikirating lets the rest of us rate credit for firms and countries [Interview]
- 2012-01-08, Finanzen.net, Germany (in German): Die Webcommunity als ernstzunehmende Konkurrenz zu den Ratingagenturen etablieren?
- 2012-01-05, Wirtschaftsblatt, Austria (in German): Jeder kann es besser als die großen Mächtigen

- 2012-01-05, affaritaliani.it, Italy (in Italian): Il rating è wiki/ Contro il monopolio di Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s e Fitch la prima web-agenzia trasparente e aperta a tutti
- 2012-01-04, DerStandard, Austria (in German): Kein AAA für Austria
- 2012-01-04, Vrijspreker, Netherlands (in Dutch): AAAustrian Rating
- 2012-01-03, Salzburger Nachrichten, Austria (in German): Ratingagenturen: Europa will ihre Macht brechen
- 2012-01-03, Capital, Germany (in German): Triple A für Alle: Die Mitmach-Ratingagentur
- 2012-01-03, Le Matin, Switzerland (in French): Notez les pays sur Wikirating
- 2012-01-02, Financial Times Deutschland, Germany (in German): AAAstreine Idee
- 2011-12-15, 20 Minutes, France (in French): Wikirating, l’agence de notation communautaire
- 2011-12-15, Forexinfo.it, Italy (in Italian): Wikirating: l’agenzia di rating on line. Scopriamola
- 2011-12-14, 20 Minutos, Spain (in Spanish): Las agencias de rating gozan de buena salud a pesar de las dudas sobre su independencia
- 2011-12-12, Tageblatt Online, Luxembourg (in German): Geben Sie ihr Rating-Urteil ab
- 2011-12-12, 20 Minuten, Switzerland (in German): Jeder ist besser als Standard & Poor’s
- 2011-11-30, Wiener Zeitung, Austria (in German): Web-Community greift nach Ratingmacht